I’m not Abused: I’m beaten regularly and happily
How is getting beaten not abusive? Technically, according to your state’s laws, it may fall under battery or domestic violence, however, start by looking at consent. I enjoy getting beaten- punched, kicked, stepped on, and generally hurt. I enjoy physical and verbal humiliation. I enjoy bruises and welts and overt displays of power. I enjoy these things as gifted to me and my body by people who inherently respect me, care for me, and love me. I am not being manipulated against my will, I am not being coerced, I am not being forced into a state I don’t want to be in. I am not being punished for something I did wrong. Instead, it usually starts out with my asking a question like “Hey babe, do we have plans this Saturday? I was hoping we could go to the club and you could beat the snot out of me and make me cry.” Usually the response I get from that request is pretty enthusiastic. Sometimes we’re not in the mood, and that’s acceptable too. Generally, on our quiet nights, we curl up on the couch and put on a movie (more likely than not, it is either Die Hard, The Avengers, Flash Gordon, or The Incredibles). There’s no guilt or shame on evenings when we aren’t in the mood, there’s no apology for it, and there’s no resentment.